Competitive Obedience

Competitive obedience is all about a partnership between dog and handler that produces fluently performed faultless exercises in a form determined by the Kennel Club, or that is what we aspire to.

The South Cotswold Dog Training Club runs two classes in which these exercises are taught. The first is for those who may not wish to compete but who want to teach their dogs the exercises and achieve a degree of polish; the second is aimed at those who compete or intend to compete with their dogs, whether in Beginners or Class C. In the summer months training takes place in the King George V playing fields in Nailsworth GL6 0HT

Find out more about the exercises required at different standards

5.30pm on Wednesdays – Advanced class
6.30pm on Wednesdays – Less advanced class.
NB: no training in the Hall on the first Wednesday of the month in the winter
Where in Winter:
Nailsworth Town Hall, Old Bristol Road, Nailsworth Glos (view map)
Where in Summer:
King George V, Park Road, Nailsworth, Glos
(view map)
£2.50 per dog per class, plus £5.00 annual membership fee
Call Susie Thomson on 07970 112045 or use the contact form below

Competitive Obedience Class Contact Form

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